CEP Schools - a pathway for every child

Driven by the principals across all 18 schools, Callaghan Education Pathways (CEP) provides a Kindergarten to Year 12 and beyond learning pathway for every child. It provides a range of initiatives from K-12, including projects in Literacy, Creative and Performing Arts and cultural programs.
Students from across the 18 schools also come together to showcase and celebrate learning, including annual events such as the CEP Education Week Awards, the CEP NAIDOC Celebration and the CEP Student Leadership Conference.
In 2021 student representatives from across our CEP schools wrote and produced an Acknowledgement of Country, recognising the lands on which each of our schools are situated, to share with our communities.
Our partner primary schools are:
Glendore Public School, Hamilton North Public School, Heaton Public School, Islington Public School, Jesmond Public School, Mayfield East Public School, Maryland Public School, Mayfield West Demonstration School, Minmi Public School, Plattsburg Public School, Shortland Public School, Tighes Hill Public School, Wallsend Public School, Waratah Public School, Waratah West Public School, and the Wetlands Centre.